Privacy Policy


Mezunum Satıyorum Kıbrıs ("Company") has adopted the principle of ensuring the confidentiality of the information shared by individuals who visit its website. Therefore, this "Privacy Policy" has been created to inform you about which information is processed, by what means, with whom it is shared within the scope of the law and your consent, and how it is protected by the Company. Additionally, this Privacy Policy outlines how you can verify the accuracy of this information and, if desired, how you can request its deletion by contacting the Company's website. All services provided to individuals by the Company through any channel will be briefly referred to as "Service."

Data Controller

Personal data refers to any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as name, surname, date of birth, or phone number.

Your personal data is processed by Mezunum Satıyorum Kıbrıs (the Company), located in Northern Cyprus. In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (KVKK), relevant legal regulations, and the decisions/announcements of competent authorities, as well as within the framework of this Privacy Policy.

The Company respects your concerns regarding the privacy and protection of your personal data. In this regard, the Company processes your personal data in accordance with all personal data protection legislation, particularly KVKK, ensures the secure storage of your data, and takes all necessary security measures against potential illegal access.

This Privacy Policy text outlines which categories of personal data are collected through the channels specified below, the processes and purposes for which they are processed, the recipient groups to which your data is transferred, your rights regarding the protection of personal data, and other information the Company must provide as part of its obligation to inform you as the data controller.

Scope of the Privacy Policy and Collected Data

The information to be used and processed about an individual is only possible when the individual voluntarily enters data or explicitly consents to this. Entering data or providing explicit consent indicates the individual's agreement with the terms outlined below. When visiting the website, certain information is stored on the website’s servers.

This data may include:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • Email
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Facebook Profile Picture

Based on this data, certain conclusions are drawn about the site user. However, this personal data can only be used anonymously. If this data is transferred to an external service provider, the necessary procedures will be carried out to ensure that the transfer is made in accordance with the legal regulations on data security.

If you voluntarily provide personal information, the Company undertakes to use this information within the legal limits or within the scope of the user's consent statement and to process or transfer it accordingly.

Purposes for the Use of Personal Data and Cookies

The purposes for using personal data and cookies are listed below:

  • Personalizing user experiences
  • Accessing websites
  • Managing and maintaining the website

As part of the service provided, the Company may obtain and transfer information related to individuals who receive the service, in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Such transfers of information will be conducted under the conditions determined by third parties, in line with existing contracts with third parties, and in accordance with current legal regulations. This Privacy Policy does not reflect the privacy practices of third parties to whom information is transferred, and the Company is not responsible for their privacy policies or practices. This Privacy Policy does not cover information collected by third-party websites and platforms, information collected through links on the Company's website, or information collected on third-party websites sponsored or participated in by the Company, such as headers, campaigns, and other advertisements or promotions. The Company is not responsible for the processing of personal data collected, stored, or used by third parties via their websites.

Children’s Privacy

The Company does not knowingly collect data from children under the age of 18 on its website. If you are under 18, please do not share any personal data by using the Services. At this point, the Company expects parents or guardians to educate their children not to share personal data in the application of this Privacy Policy.

Use of Cookies

The Company may obtain some of the aforementioned personal data by using a technical communication file (Cookie). These technical communication files are small text files sent by a website to the user's browser to be stored in the main memory. A technical communication file facilitates the use of the Internet by storing status and preferences regarding a website. A technical communication file helps to obtain statistical information about how many people use the website, for what purpose, how many times they visit the website, and how long they stay, and to dynamically generate advertisements and content from specially designed user pages. The technical communication file is not designed to retrieve data or any other personal information from the main memory or emails.

The cookies used on the website include:

  • Names of other sites visited while on the site
  • Words used to find the website
  • The name of the internet service provider

Links to Other Websites

The Company's website may contain links to third-party websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to these websites. The Company accepts no responsibility for these websites.

Social Media

The Company’s website provides embedded links to certain social media networks to allow users to share the entire or part of the site. These linked services only function with user approval, and the purpose of these social media links is to view the content of the site and share it with your friends and family when desired. Data sharing related to these linked social media networks is subject to the privacy policies announced on their websites. It is important to review these privacy policies as well.

Information Update and Changes

The Company may change the content of this Privacy Policy at any time to keep its privacy and data protection principles up to date and comply with relevant legislation. The updated Privacy Policy will be announced on the Company’s website. You can always access the current version of the Privacy Policy at By continuing to use the Company’s services or applications after the Privacy Policy has been changed, you are deemed to have accepted the changes. The provisions of the Privacy Policy amended by the Company will enter into force on the date they are published on the website.

Data Retention Period

The data directly shared on the website is retained for the duration of the interaction.

How Personal Data May Be Processed

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (KVKK), the personal data shared with Mezunum Satıyorum Kıbrıs can be processed, either fully or partially, by automatic or non-automatic means, provided that it is part of a data recording system, by collecting, recording, storing, modifying, or rearranging, in short, any form of processing. Any action performed on data within the scope of KVKK is considered "processing of personal data."

Information About Third Parties or Institutions to Which Personal Data Can Be Transferred

For the purposes outlined above, the individuals or organizations to whom the personal data shared with Mezunum Satıyorum Kıbrıs can be transferred include main shareholders, affiliates, advertisers, direct or indirect domestic/foreign affiliates; member firms using Mezunum Satıyorum Kıbrıs's infrastructure, and the service providers or business partners we cooperate with to carry out our activities, program partner organizations, domestic/foreign organizations, and other third parties and institutions. Your data may also be shared with official institutions under binding court requests as part of our legal obligations.

The regulations related to cookies used for advertising purposes are part of the "Mezunum Satıyorum Kıbrıs Cookie Policy," which forms part of the current "Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy" you are reading. Please click to learn more about our Cookie Policy.

Personal Data Obtained Before the Effective Date of KVKK

There is no personal data stored on the Mezunum Satıyorum Kıbrıs website before the effective date of KVKK, which is April 7, 2016.

Rights of the Data Owner

The data owner can always exercise their right to access their data. Additionally, the following rights stipulated in Article 11 of the KVKK can be exercised when the relevant conditions are met.

  • Right to rectification,
  • Right to erasure,
  • Right to restrict processing,
  • Right to lodge a complaint with a competent data protection authority,
  • Right to data portability.

If the processing of personal data is based on a legal interest of the Company, the data owner has the right to object to the processing of personal data due to reasons arising from their specific situation. The Company will stop processing personal data unless it can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override the interests, rights, and freedoms of the data subject, or the processing is for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

In cases where personal data is processed based on consent, the right to withdraw consent exists.

Under the law, you can submit any requests, complaints, and suggestions regarding your personal data, accompanied by identity-verifying documents and your request, to our address below or by using a secure electronic signature to send an email to the Company's registered electronic mail address at [email protected].

Deletion of Facebook Data and All Other Data

Users who log in via Facebook can delete their login information from the site. To do this, they first need to log in with their Facebook account, go to the contact section, and write "I want my Facebook information to be deleted," including their email address. If the user has verified their identity, all Facebook data will be deleted within 48 hours. For the deletion of data not associated with Facebook, users can log in similarly and request the deletion of their data by writing "I want my data to be deleted" in the contact section. Once the request is submitted, all data related to the account associated with the provided email will be deleted within 48 hours.

Our Address:

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus